A Zeno.FM Station

Watering Again

Watering Again
Photo by Methi SOMÇAĞ / Unsplash

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” John 4:10 NIV

Living in a house without an automatic sprinkler system has been an eye-opening experience
for me.  It has made me realize just how often grass needs watered.  And
it’s helped me learn the hard way that grass will simply die without a continual water
As I watched the sprinkler the other day, it occurred to me that, much like grass,
we continually need water.  We need watered each and every
moment of our lives.  We need to draw from God’s Living Water—His
life.  Only as we continually draw from Christ His life and strength
will we be able to grow strong amid the scorching heat and searing winds of life.
Are you drawing from Christ, your Living Water, today?  Or are you
trying to live on your own?  God’s life and strength awaits you.  Let
Him water your soul over and over again each day.